

  1. Nam-Trung Nguyen, Steven T. Wereley, Seyed Ali Mousavi Shaegh, Fundamentals and Applications of Microfluidics, Third Edition, 576 pages, ISBN: 9781630813642, Artech House
  2. T. Dinh, N.T. Nguyen, D. V. Dao, 2018, Thermoelectrical Effect in SiC for High-Temperature MEMS Sensors, Springer Nature.
  3. N. T. Nguyen, 2011, Micromixers–Fundamentals, Design and Fabrication, 2nd edition, Elsevier.
  4. P. Abgrall, N. T. Nguyen, 2009, Nanofluidics, Artech House.
  5. N. T. Nguyen, 2008, Micromixers–Fundamentals, Design and Fabrication, William Andrew Publishing.
  6. N. T. Nguyen, S. T. Wereley, 2006, Fundamentals and Applications of Microfluidics, 2nd edition, Artech House. (bestseller, used as textbook at various universities around the world)
  7. N. T. Nguyen, 2004, Mikrofluidik – Entwurf, Herstellung und Charakterisierung, Teubner Verlag. (in German)
  8. N. T. Nguyen, S. T. Wereley, 2002, Fundamentals and Applications of Microfluidics, Artech House, Boston, London.
  9. N. T. Nguyen, 2001, Microprocessor and Computer Architeture, Science and Technology Publishers, Hanoi, Vietnam. (in Vietnamese)
  10. N. T. Nguyen, 2000, Personal Computer Architecture and Peripheral Devices, Science and Technology, Publishers, Hanoi, Vietnam. (in Vietnamese)
  11. N. T. Nguyen, 1999, Fundamentals of Microelectronics and Microsystem Technology, Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam. (in Vietnamese)
  12. N. T. Nguyen, 1997, Entwurf und Charakterisierung eines elektrokalorischen Durchflußsensors, Shaker Verlag. (in German)

Chapters in Books

  1. J. Zhang, N.T. Nguyen, Chapter 7 Magnetic cell separation, 2022, Magnetic Materials and Technologies for Medical Applications, Ed. A. M. Tishin, Elsevier, pp. 193-226.
  2. Adrian J. T. Teo, Say Hwa Tan and Nam-Trung Nguyen, Chapter 3 Technological Development – Droplet as a Tool, 2020, Droplet microfluidics, RSC (DOI:10.1039/9781839162855-00045), pp. 45-88.
  3. N.T.  Nguyen, Droplet Microreactor, 2015, Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 2nd Edition, pp.  675 – 680.
  4. N.T. Nguyen, Ferrofluids in Microchannels, 2015, Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 2ndEdition, pp. 1101 – 1107.
  5. Y. F. Yap, Y.L. Zhang, T. N. Wong, N.T. Nguyen, J.C. Chai, 2015, Flow Bifurcation in Microchannel, Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 2nd Edition, pp. 1120 – 1131.
  6. T.N. Wong, C. Wang, H.W. Li, Y.D. Gao, N.T. Nguyen, C. Yang, K. T. Ooi, 2015, Liquid-Liquid Stratified Flow, Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 2nd Edition, pp. 1662 – 1678.
  7. S.A.M. Shaegh, N.T. Nguyen, 2015, Materials for Microfluidic Fuel Cells, Materials for Low-Temperature Fuel Cells, pp.185 – 213.
  8. Z.J.  Zhao, N.T. Nguyen, 2015, Thermocapillary, Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 2ndEdition, pp. 3267 – 3271.
  9. N.T. Nguyen, Z.J. Zhao, X.Y. Huang, 2015, Transport of Droplets by Thermal Capillarity, Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 2nd Edition, pp. 3365 – 3373.
  10. S. M. S. Murshed, N.T. Nguyen, 2014, Nanofluids in Droplet-Based Microfluidics, Nanofluids: Synthesis, Properties and Applications 2nd Edition, pp. 215 – 236.
  11. Z. J. Jiao, N. T. Nguyen, 2007, Thermocapillary pumping, Encyclopedia of Micro- and Nano-Fluidics, Springer.
  12. Y. F. Yap, Y. L. Zhang, T. N. Wong, N. T. Nguyen, J. C. Chai, 2007, Electrokinetic two-phase flows, Encyclopedia of Micro- and Nano-Fluidics, Springer.
  13. N. T. Nguyen, 2007, Mixing in microscale, Microfluidic Technologies for Miniaturized Analysis Systems, Springer, pp. 117-155.
  14. T. N. Wong, Y. D. Gao, C. Yang, K. T. Ooi, N. T. Nguyen, J. C. Chai, 2007, Two-liquid electroosmotic flow in microchannels, Focus on Colloid and Surface Research, Nova Science Publishers.
  15. Y. F. Yap, Y. L. Zhang, T. N. Wong, N. T. Nguyen, J. C. Chai, 2007, Flow bifurcation in microchannels, Encyclopedia of Micro- and Nano-Fluidic, Springer.
  16. T. N. Wong, C. Wang, Y. D. Gao, N. T. Nguyen, C. Yang, K. T. Ooi, 2006, Liquid-liquid stratified flow in microchannels, Encyclopedia of Micro- and Nanofluidics, Springer.
  17. N. T. Nguyen, 2005, Funktions- und Formelemente der Mikrosystemtechnik, Einfuehrung in die Mikrosystemtechnik, Hanser Verlag. (in German)
  18. N. T. Nguyen, 2004, Thermal flow sensors, Encyclopedia of Sensors, American Scientific Publisher.
  19. N. T. Nguyen, 2004, Fabrication issues of biomicromedical devices, Handbook of BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  20. Z. G. Wu, N. T. Nguyen, 2003, A dilute mixing model in microchannels, Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Elsevier Science.
  21. N. T. Nguyen, S. Richter, A. Wego, L. Pargel, 2002, Microfluidic devices on printed circuit boards, Microfluidics and BioMEMS Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 185-218.
  22. N. T. Nguyen, 2000, Thermal mass flow sensor, Mechanical Variables Measurement: Solid, Fluid, and Thermal, CRC Press Inc. Publication, pp. 9/99-9/118.
  23. N. T. Nguyen, 1998, Thermal mass flow sensors, The Measurement, Instrumentation and Sensors Handbook, CRC Press Inc. Publication.
  24. N. T. Nguyen, 1997, Fluidische Elemente, Grundlagen der Mikrosystemtechnik, Hanser Verlag. (in German)
  25. N. T. Nguyen, 1997, Elektrokalorischer Durchfluβsensor, Grundlagen der Mikrosystemtechnik, Hanser Verlag. (in German)
  27. T. Dinh, N.T. Nguyen, D. V. Dao, 2018, Thermoelectrical Effect in SiC for High-Temperature MEMS Sensors, Springer Nature.
  28. N. T. Nguyen, 2011, Micromixers–Fundamentals, Design and Fabrication, 2nd edition, Elsevier.
  29. P. Abgrall, N. T. Nguyen, 2009, Nanofluidics, Artech House.
  30. N. T. Nguyen, 2008, Micromixers–Fundamentals, Design and Fabrication, William Andrew Publishing.
  31. N. T. Nguyen, S. T. Wereley, 2006, Fundamentals and Applications of Microfluidics, 2nd edition, Artech House. (bestseller, used as textbook at various universities around the world)
  32. N. T. Nguyen, 2004, Mikrofluidik – Entwurf, Herstellung und Charakterisierung, Teubner Verlag. (in German)
  33. N. T. Nguyen, S. T. Wereley, 2002, Fundamentals and Applications of Microfluidics, Artech House, Boston, London.
  34. N. T. Nguyen, 2001, Microprocessor and Computer Architeture, Science and Technology Publishers, Hanoi, Vietnam. (in Vietnamese)
  35. N. T. Nguyen, 2000, Personal Computer Architecture and Peripheral Devices, Science and Technology, Publishers, Hanoi, Vietnam. (in Vietnamese)
  36. N. T. Nguyen, 1999, Fundamentals of Microelectronics and Microsystem Technology, Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam. (in Vietnamese)
  37. N. T. Nguyen, 1997, Entwurf und Charakterisierung eines elektrokalorischen Durchflußsensors, Shaker Verlag. (in German)