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2014-present: member, University Research Committee, Griffith University

2015- present: member, Board of Graduate Research, Griffith University

2013-present: member, Group Research Committee, Griffith Sciences, Griffith University

2013-present: member, International comittee of Griffith Sciences, Griffith University

2013-present: member, HDR support allocation scheme of School of Natural Sciences, Griffith University

2013-present: member, BSc programme comittee of School of Natural Sciences, Griffith University

2012-present: Professor and Director, Queensland Micro and Nanotechnology Centre, Griffith University

2012-2013: Director, Part-Time BEng Programme, Nanyang Technological University

2009-2013: member, School Search Committee, Micro-Mechanics & Systems / Biology and Bio-mechanics, Nanyang Technological University

2009-2013: member, SREC, Nanyang Technological University

2009-2013: Professor in Charge, Micromachine Lab 1 (clean room facility), Micromachine Lab 2 (Bio-MEMS lab), Nanyang Technological University

2001-2009: Deputy Director, Thermal and Fluids Engineeing Lab, Nanyang Technological University

2003-2008: School Coordinator, Deputy Chairman (Science and Technology) for Nanyang Research Programme, Nanyang Technological University

2008-2012: chairman, Research Committee of TFE Division, Nanyang Technological University

2008-2012: member, Research Committee of School of MAE, Nanyang Technological University

2008-2012: member, Recruitment Committee of School of MAE, Nanyang Technological University

2008-2012: member, Advanced Fuel Cell Research Centre Working Committee, Nanyang Technological University

2008-2012: member, Outreach Committe of School of MAE, Nanyang Technological University

2009: expert mentor for Innovation Programme (Ministry of Education, Gifted Education Branch), provide advice and technical knowledge to guide the primary secondary school participants in their projects, Nanyang Technological University

2009: Faculty mentor for LEaRN 2009, Nanyang Technological University

2009: Member of School Search Committee (SSC) – Micromechanics and Systems, Nanyang Technological University

2009: Member of School Search Committee (SSC) -Thermodynamics, Nanyang Technological University